Nexus supported the client in spreading their corporate leadership model across senior and higher level management throughout Europe, Africa and Asia
The themes and content of the programmed covered:
Nexus supported the client by developing and running a series of workshops focused on helping subject managers and developers be more proactive and collaborative in their relationships with internal and external customers.
Themes addressed included:
Nexus supported managers in negotiating commercial contracts and sustainable agreements with a external business partners including hotels, airlines, entertainment venues, retailers and other commercial partners
Themes included:
Nexus supported the client by developing and running a series of programmes that brought together diverse groups of managers from across the Group to work together over 7 days.
The project activities covered the following themes:
Nexus developed and delivered workshops to al UK entities within the Group. These workshops delivered both the methodology and approach to successful performance conversations as well as the practice in developing individual approach in those conversations.